Flexible and scalable maritime inspection & reporting services above and below the waterline. Our team has the tools and expertise to inspect and assess vessels, marinas, slipways and more. Our services are easily tailored, ranging from low fuss imagery capture, right through to detailed engineering assessments. Our capability draws on commercial diving, remote systems and the right people to get the job done!
Contact us to arrange an inspection or discuss your requirements.
Our maritime inspection & reporting services can be tailored to meet the needs of government, commercial and residential clients. Recent examples of our work include:
- Slipway inspections
- Marina and pile inspections
- Port seabed clearances
- Lost object search and recovery
- Hull inspections e.g. condition assessments, biosecurity / marine pest
- Dam tower / mixer inspections
- Pipe line inspections
- Potable water tank inspections
- Diver support and monitoring
- Miscellaneous aerial and subsurface projects
Our methodology draws on competent personnel, combined with equipment and capabilities that are compliant and fit for purpose. These include:
- A team specialised in engineering, marine construction and underwater operations
- Commercial diving capability compliant with AS/NZS 2299.1:2015
- Underwater ROVs capable hi-res imagery and live streaming to clients and / or engineers
- CASA accredited (ReOC) drone service with thermal camera, hi-res zoom and live stream capability.